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August 2024 | Companies

Efficiency and safety: artificial intelligence revolutions the automotive supplier sector’s industry

The automotive sector is experiencing a radical transformation thanks to the artificial intelligence (AI) breakthrough. This technology is redefining both the present and the future of cars pushed by an unprecedented technological acceleration. Mª Begoña Llamazares, Autoparts From Spain‘s spokesperson, states that through the opportunities offered by artificial intelligence we are witnessing one of the longest technological leaps in the automotive industry and its environment. “Artificial intelligence has wide applications in the automotive industry, allowing the optimization of supply chain processes as well as improving the vehicle efficiency. Trends move towards an increasingly higher adoption of artificial intelligence in the sector, in a context of increasingly connected and autonomous vehicles and smarter cities which are going to transform our urban environment” says the spokeswoman.

Despite of the obvious advances, according to Globant’s report, AI applied. Driving change forward in the Automotive Industry, the 81% of Automotion sector’s decision makers think objectives could be improved if more investment in technology occurred. Besides, 78% assures their company has to empower innovation to keep being competitive in the automotive market. It’s expected AI investment to reach figures higher than $34,400 million during the period 2023–2030.


Gestamp, Antolin and Fersa Bearings have already experimented AI benefits

Although electrification already dominates most headlines and media attention, automotive industry’s digital transformation is redefining its foundations. Several companies belonging to the initiative Autoparts From Spain have implemented artificial intelligence in their production processes. Gestamp, a Spanish company specialized in component manufacturing has incorporated digitization in most of its processes. According to Diego Mallada, company’s Digital Technology Director “In 2016 we started to implement processes under 4.0 industry with initial focus on energy efficiency and sustainability”

Furthermore, Gestamp has developed an ecosystem of still evolving digital solutions. Mallada underlines the importance of collaboration and interoperability in the mobility’s supply chain, stating that “A collaborative system of real data interoperability can improve operative efficiency and provide the required traceability to reach CO₂ reduction goals. The popularization of AI has posed a serious challenge for companies such as Gestamp because it is not an end in itself but a tool to reach business goals” he states. 

Antolin, another Spanish giant in component manufacturing for car interior is using AI and generative IA to improve its industrial and management processes allowing employees to focus on higher added-value tasks. The company has focused its efforts in three main areas: 4.0 industry, indirect processes and copilots.

In industrial processes, the artificial vision helps to reduce worker’s fatigue during quality control, allowing them to mind more valuable tasks. Automation has allowed process standardization in its global facilities, improving efficiency and work safety. Taking out manual forklifts and introducing mobile autonomous and collaborative robots has been a key factor in this transformation.

Antolin has also increased its productivity through Internet of Things (IoT), which captures and monitors process data to perform predictive maintenance and advanced analysis. In a technical scope, AI eases 3-D design and documentation creation improving quality and innovation. The company is experimenting with AI assistance to improve information queries, report generation and translation of sentences, promoting collaboration and  interchange of ideas among employees.

Another brand belonging to the platform which has become an excellent showcase for automotive Spanish suppliers in international markets is FERSA Bearings. The company is developing technologies within the 5.0 industry with the goal to implement artificial intelligence in strategic decision-making. They are working in operation planning and optimization, the evolution of digital tools in plants, vision systems and automated quality control and the development of digital twins in its operations to predict failures.


The importance of the human factor

Despite the growing adoption of AI, it still requires the essential presence of the human component in the automotive sector. AI eases and speeds processes up but it is the combination of this technology and the human experience and judgment which does push innovation and operational excellence. The companies recognize that technology should complement and empower employees’ capacities instead of replacing them.

Specifically, Diego Mallada at Gestamp, highlights that technology is alive and its progress never stops. The key is getting adapted and evolve continuously, integrating AI with human experience to reach a connected, flexible and efficient factory. At Antolin, IA allows employees to get focused on higher added-value tasks, improving not only efficiency but also work satisfaction. Regarding FERSA, it is developing digital twins, which combined with human intuition and knowledge, optimize strategic decision-making.

AI has improved efficiency, safety and quality in productive processes, but its real potential happens when it’s integrated with the human factor and presence and experience. The AI revolution in the Spanish automation is a clear example on how technology can transform industries pushing innovation progress up towards a more efficient and safe future.

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